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Impact of extra-corporeal life support (ECLS) cannulation strategy on outcome after durable mechanical circulation support system implantation on behalf of durable MCS after ECLS Study Group

Diyar Saeed, Evgenij Potapov, Antonio Loforte, Michiel Morshuis, David Schibilsky, Daniel Zimpfer, Julia Riebandt, Federico Pappalardo, Matteo Attisani, Mauro Rinaldi, Davide Pacini, Assad Haneya, Faiz Ramjankhan, Dirk W. Donker, Ulrich P. Jorde, Wolfgang Otto, Julia Stein, Dmytro Tsyganenko, Ameen Al-Naamani, Radi Wieloch, Rafael Ayala, Jochen Cremer, Michael Borger, Artur Lichtenberg, Jan Gummert

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